Please note: due to changes in regulations and constant design developments, we sometimes need to change details such as binding and inlay materials.
Roger Bucknall MBE
Alex Reay
Paul Ferrie
Moira Bucknall
I work with a small team, with excellent facilities, proven designs and unrivalled stocks of beautiful, seasoned timber, BUT the skills, and the attitude of the people I work with are the most important things of all. Alex Reay, Paul Ferrie and, of course, my wife Moira are my team. They are superb. They make everything possible, and nothing impossible.
We have evolved a system of work between us
Alex has been with me since 2008. A lot of his work is in the final stages, which require long periods of concentration without interruption, so his patience and calm nature make it possible to get everything right.
Paul has been here for since 2010, his work is in the earlier stages, where a lot of the precision woodwork will be hidden inside the guitar forever, so his pride in his work and attention to detail are invaluable.
My own work is largely on individual custom orders, neck shaping and final assembly, in between overseeing everything else and talking to customers.
Moira deals with the ever increasing admin of a small business and protects me from the outside world as much as she can.
Guitar making is hard physical work, and not at all romantic, the pleasure comes from a job well done, and seeing the final result in the hands of a satisfied customer.We love to be involved in the world of music, and are very proud of the work we do.
Roger Bucknall
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